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Anime HD WallPapers

Those who are anime fans have come to the right place. On our site, you can find wallpapers on popular anime in high resolution, so that all your favorite characters are in front of your eyes around the clock.

As you know, anime is the Japanese animated cartoons that have become extremely popular all over the world. This genre’s peculiarity is that most of such cartoons are intended for teenage and adult audience unlike the ones produced in other countries of the world – they are designed for children.

Anime is notable for a special drawing technique used to depict its characters and backgrounds. Much attention is devoted to eyes as long as they are the main indicators of a character’s emotions – they are too big as compared with Disney’s characters.

Anime appears as TV series and full-length films. It usually takes over its plot from light novels, Japanese comics (manga), or computer games; classic literature almost never serves as the source for anime. However, there are anime based on a unique plot which can give rise to creating comics and novels.

If you cannot resist those large eyes, choose your favorite anime wallpaper and install it on your computer desktop. You will surely find here your cup of tea.

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